Teacher Appreciation Week:
Table of contents

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” — Albert Einstein
Teacher Appreciation Week 2020
Throughout the month of March, schools all around the world closed their doors. And as that happened, as students returned home wondering about the future of their education, teachers everywhere did exactly what teachers do. You got to work. You adapted. You thought to yourselves, how can I keep inspiring and educating my students? How can I keep meeting all of my students’ individual needs?
This came as no surprise. We know how tenacious teachers are in the face of adversity, how committed you are to your students. We know that as powerful as the HOL solution is, it doesn’t work without talented, compassionate educators at the helm. As we’ve said before, HOL provides a set of tools, but instructors are the ones wielding those tools and affecting meaningful change. We wouldn’t be here without you.
Teacher Appreciation Week comes at a pretty fitting time this year. We’ve all watched as educators around the world rose to this challenge, and many parents who are now tasked with homeschooling their kids have developed a newfound appreciation for what teachers do every day.
So, before you get back to tomorrow’s lesson plan, we’d just like to say thank you for all that you do. None of us would be here without you.